

The elderly residents (居民) in care homes in London are being given hens to look after to stop them feeling lonely.

The project was dreamed up by a local charity (慈善组织) to reduce loneliness and improve elderly people’s wellbeing. It is also being used to help patients suffering dementia, a serious illness of the mind. Staff in care homes have reported a reduction in the use of medicine where hens are in use.

Among those taking part in the project is 80-year-old Ruth Xavier. She said: “I used to keep hens when I was younger and had to prepare their breakfast each morning before I went to school.

“I like the project a lot. I am down there in my wheelchair in the morning letting the hens out and down there again at night to see they’ve gone to bed.

“It’s good to have a different focus. People have been bringing their children in to see the hens and residents come and sit outside to watch them. I’m enjoying the creative activities, and it feels great to have done something useful.”

There are now 700 elderly people looking after hens in 20 care homes in the North East, and the charity has been given financial support to roll it out countrywide.

Wendy Wilson, extra care manager at 60 Penfold Street, one of the first to embark onthe project, said: “Residents really welcome the idea of the project and the creative sessions. We are looking forward to the benefits and fun the project can bring to people here.”

Lynn Lewis, director of Notting Hill Pathways, said: “We are happy to be taking part in the project. It will really help connect our residents through a shared interest and creative activities.

28. What is the purpose of the project?

A. To ensure harmony in care homes.

B. To provide part-time jobs for the aged.

C. To raise money for medical research.

D. To promote the elderly people’s welfare.

29. How has the project affected Ruth Xavier?

A. She has learned new life skills.

B. She has gained a sense of achievement.

C. She has recovered her memory.

D. She has developed a strong personality.

30. What do the underlined words “embark on” mean in paragraph 7?

A. Improve. B. Oppose. C. Begin. D. Evaluate.

31. What can we learn about the project from the last two paragraphs?

A. It is well received.

B. It needs to be more creative.

C. It is highly profitable.

D. It takes ages to see the results




28. D 根据设问方式可知本题为事实细节题。根据第二段The project was dreamed up by a local charity (慈善组织) to reduce loneliness and improve elderly people’s wellbeing. 可知,设立这个项目的目的是为了减少老年人的孤独,提升他们的幸福感。D 项中的 promote(促进) 与文中improve 相对应,welfare(幸福)与文中的wellbeing(幸福)相对应,所以选 D。

29. B 根据设问方式可知本题为推理判断题。根据第五段 “It’s good to have a different focus. People have been bringing their children in to see the hens and residents come and sit outside to watch them. I’m enjoying the creative activities, and it feels great to have done something useful.” 可知,Ruth Xavier 养鸡使她有不同的关注点,她很喜欢这种有创意的活动,做些有用的事让她感觉很好,由此可以推断出她从养鸡这个活动中获得了成就感(a sense of achievement)。

30. C 根据设问方式可知本题为词义猜测题。根据Wendy Wilson, extra care manager at 60 Penfold Street, one of the first toembark on the project, said: “Residents really welcome the idea of the project and the creative sessions.中embark on 前面的 one of the first 及其后面的 Residents really welcome the idea of 可知,此处指的是 Wendy Wilson 是最早发起(begin)这个项目的人之一,所以选择C。

31. A 根据设问方式可知本题为推理判断题。根据最后两段中 Residents really welcome the idea of the project … We are happy to be taking part in the project. 可知,人们欢迎这个项目,并且乐于参与其中,因此可以推断这个项目很受大家欢迎(well received)。


The elderly residents (居民) in care homes in London are being given hens to look after to stop them 1 (feel)lonely.

The project 2 (dream) up by a local charity (慈善组织) to reduce 3 (lonely)and improve elderly people’s wellbeing. It is also being used to help patients suffering dementia, 4 serious illness of the mind. Staff in care homes have reported a reduction in the use of medicine where hens are in use.

Among those taking part 5 the project is 80-year-old Ruth Xavier. She said: “I used to keep hens 6 I was younger and had to prepare their breakfast each morning before I went to school.

“I like the project a lot. I am down there in my wheelchair in the morning letting the hens out and down there again at night to see they’ve gone to bed.

“It’s good to have a different focus. People have been bringing their children in to see the hens and residents come and sit outside to watch them. I’m enjoying the creative 7 (activity), and it feels great to have done something useful.”

There are now 700 elderly people looking after hens in 20 care homes in the North East, 8 the charity has been given financial support to roll it out countrywide.

Wendy Wilson, extra care manager at 60 Penfold Street, one of the first 9 (begin) the project, said: “Residents really welcome the idea of the project and the creative sessions. We 10 (look)forward to the benefits and fun the project can bring to people here.”

Lynn Lewis, director of Notting Hill Pathways, said: “We are happy to be taking part in the project. It will really help connect our residents through a shared interest and creative activities.



1.feeling 2.was dreamed 3.loneliness 4.a 5.in 6.when 7. activities 8. and 9.to begin 10.are looking




loneliness n孤独 wellbeing n健康,幸福 welfare n幸福,福祉patient n病人reduction n减少staff n全体员工 project n项目focus n重点,关注点creative adj 创造性的countrywide adj全国范围的 session n(某项活动的)一段时间ensure v确保 promote v促进,提升 affect v影响 personality n个性 oppose v反对 evaluate v评价,评估 profitable adj 有益的,盈利的


care home护理中心,照护所 dream up设计,创造,想出 keep hens 养鸡patients suffering dementia患痴呆的病人 in use在使用 take part in 参加 financial support 金融支持 roll out正式推出(新产品),开展(新活动)a shared interest共同的兴趣 creative activities 创意活动the aged老年人 raise money for为…筹集资金 a sense of achievement 成就感 recover one’s memory恢复记忆 be well received很受欢迎








60彭福尔德街的额外护理经理 温迪威尔逊是第一批开始这个项目的人之一,她说:“居民们非常欢迎这个项目的想法和创意活动。我们期待这个项目能给这里的人们带来好处和乐趣。”



上一篇 2023年6月20日 下午3:56
下一篇 2023年6月20日 下午3:58


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