


DefectdescriptionMaterial Defects Chinese Name Major Minor
Button&Button Hole
Missed button 欠钮 x
Broken button 烂钮 x
Insecured buttonstitching 钮扣车线不牢 x
Wrong button 错钮 x
Omitted button hole 欠钮门 x
Incomplete stitching 车缝不全 x
Uncut button hole 钮门未开 x
Unaligned button&button hole 钮与钮门位置不对称 x x
Misplaced button&button hole 钮与钮门错位 x x
Button stitch not properlylocked 钮线打结不良 x
Uneven sleeve length 袖长不对称 x x
Uneven sleeveplacket length 袖口襟长度不对称 x x
Uneven sleeve placket width 袖口襟宽度不对称 x x
Notches exposed at sleeve slit 袖叉定位口外露 x
Wrong attach ofsleeve lining 袖里不对 x
Uneven cuff width 袖口宽不对称 x x
Uneven cuff height 袖口长不对称 x x
Front/Back Yoke/Shoulder
Excess gatherings atyoke seam 担干多余褶位 x x
Unmatched seams atarmhole 衬窿缝不对称 x x
Improper gatheringsat sleeve cap 袖山打褶不对称 x x
Pocket & Pocket Flap
Unaligned frontpockets(Hi-Low pocket) 高低袋 x x
Slanted pocket 袋斜 x x
Excess tightness of pocket 袋口太紧 x x
Excess fullness of pocket 袋口太松 x x
Pocket cloth notsmooth when bar tacking 袋布打枣口不平顺 x x
Twisted pocket cloth 袋布扭曲 x
Poorly shaped pocket 袋形不好 x
Poorly shaped pocket corner 袋角形不好 x
Misplaced pocketposition 袋位不正 x x
Incorrect pocketposition 错袋位 x
Exposing pocket corner 袋角外露 x
Incorrect position ofpocket flap 袋盖位不对 x
Torn at rib 烂罗纹 x
Holes at rib 罗纹破洞 x
Uneven hem 下摆不对称 x x
Twisted hem 下摆扭曲 x
Wavy hem 下摆起波浪 x x
Lining too short or too long 里料太短或太长 x
Puckering at lining seam 里料缝口起皱 x x
Twisted lining 里料扭曲 x
Waistband & Belt Loop
Uneven waistband(Hi-Low waistband) 高低腰带 x x
Poor waistbandfinishing 腰带成形不良 x x
Uneven belt loop 腰耳仔不对称 x x
Improper position of belt loop 耳仔错位 x
Missed belt loop 欠耳仔 x
Uneven fly width 钮牌宽不均 x
Curved fly edge 钮牌边弯曲 x
Exposed zipper tape when fly is closed 露拉链 x
Twisted leg 扭脚 x
Uneven leg 长短脚 x
Side seam turned wrongly 侧缝方向错 x
Irregular hem width 脚口宽不对称 x x
Missed embroidery 欠绣花 x
Misplaced embroidery 绣花错位 x
Broken embroiderystitches 断绣线 x
Incorrect embroiderystitch density 绣线密度不对 x
Uneven embroiderystitching 绣线不均 x x
Colour off shade ornot as specified 绣线脱色 x
Wrong embroidery 错绣花 x
Printing Defects
Missed printing 欠印花 x
Misplaced printing 印花错位 x
Printing faults-(Printing stain) 印疵(印污迹) x x
Printing faults-(Off printing) 印疵(印花移位) x
Colour off shade or not as specified 印花脱色 x
Wrong printing 错印花 x
Labels & Hangtags
Missed label 欠商标 x
Missed hangtag 欠挂牌 x
Wrong label 错商标 x
Wrong hangtag 错挂牌 x
Label insecurelydtitched 商标车缝不牢 x
Label folded bystitching 商标车折 x x
Part of label sewn inside seam 商标部分被车入缝 x
Label sewn inverted(Label up-side-down) 商标颠倒 x
Label sewn reversed(Label up-side-down) 商标车反 x

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上一篇 2023年6月6日 上午10:57
下一篇 2023年6月6日 上午10:58


