
Lyndsey Jones 琳赛·琼斯

Acellist, entrepreneur and scientist all have one thing in common — they are using the lockdown as a time to tap into their creativity to seek opportunities or solutions to projects they were working on before the coronavirus pandemic took hold.

Like millions of workers worldwide, Liz Hanks, a UK-based professional cellist who usually tours Europe, saw her work dry up as the outbreak spread. But she recognises that it has given her an opportunity to do something different: “The time right now is so unique in our lives. We have some time to think. Everything has slowed down.”

Now she not only teaches online and records music at home in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, but has also founded a project where solo musicians perform in their own gardens for free so that people can still hear live music. “I thought let’s do gigs so someone has something to look forward to,” she says. So far, she has heard a banjo player, accordionist and electric guitarist taking part in “gigs in gardens” as well as playing the cello herself. “There’s nothing quite like it — just hearing clapping, some from a long way away. It’s quite magical and we are giving people some joy.”

A slower pace of life and learning to love boredom could not only lead to an explosion of people writing and painting masterpieces but also thinking about “creative solutions” to work problems, according to Sandi Mann, a senior psychology lecturer at the University of Central Lancashire, who is running lessons and therapy clinics remotely.

“Boredom is one of the most creative forces — there are benefits to doing nothing. You start thinking in novel and productive ways,” she says. “Get through the pain barrier and discover your creativity that is waiting to emerge.”

Lockdown could turn out to be one of the most creative times for humankind, says Ms Mann, author of The Science of Boredom. After all, William Shakespeare allegedly wrote King Lear during a plague, Sir Isaac Newton reportedly formulated the theory of gravity in quarantine in the 17th century, while Alexander Pushkin wrote some of his greatest works under lockdown in 1830.

The world is in “a great big scientific experiment” where despite the distress caused by the outbreak, people will try to look on the positive side. “The backdrop of illness is that as humans look for positivity, they channel creativity,” Ms Mann says.

“Allow yourself to be bored and see it as something good. Embrace boredom and your mind will occupy itself. You could end up painting — or writing — a masterpiece.”

Some people, such as freelancers, may be able to tap into creativity more readily than others because they are used to seeking out opportunities as part of their normal work routine.

“I’ve always had to be creative to keep things going and find new business opportunities,”says Balvinder Powar, a Madrid-based leadership trainer and entrepreneur who has worked as a freelancer for about 10 years. “But now is the time to push what was on the backburner to the front and open up new income lines.”

He has used his confinement in Spain to focus on pursuing new projects, such as helping IE business school students in Madrid develop a way of producing food. “This is a time to keep trust going with your business relationships,” adds Mr Powar, who is writing a proposal for a book on leadership, as well as broadening his own training by taking a course on neuroscience.

“It’s also a time to prepare yourself for what’s coming next. Set aside one or two hours a day to research and think about what you are good at and train yourself up,” he says.













上一篇 2023年4月22日 上午9:00
下一篇 2023年4月22日 上午9:02


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