used to do和be used to doing题



used to do 过去常常做某事

be used to do 被用来做某事

be used to doing 习惯于做某事


1.My grandfather _____ live in the countryside, but now he_____ living in the city.

A. used to; used to B. got used to; gets used to

C. used to; gets used to D. got used to, used to

2.— How does Jane go to school?

— She ______ride a bike to school, but now she ______going there by bus.

A. used to; is used to B. used to; used to C. is used to; used to

3.―I ____ reading English every morning.

―Yes, now English is more and more important. English ____ the first language in England and some other countries.

A. am used to; is used by B. am used to; is used as

C. used to; is used by D. used to; is used as

4. She____in the big city, but now she____in the small town with her children.

A. used to live;is used to living

B. used to living;is used to living

C. used to live;is used to live

D. used to living;is used to live

5. She ________ tennis in the school team. Now she is a professional tennis player.

A. used to playing B. is used to play C. used to play D. used to playing

6. There _______a big river in front of the house but now it has turned into farmlands.

A. used to have B. used to be C. is used to having D. is used to be

7. He____with his family, but now he____on his own.

A. used to live; is used to living

B. is used to living; used to live

C. used to live; used to living

D. is used to live; is used to living

8. My aunt _______a farmer. Now she’s a worker.

A. used to is B. used to being C. used to be D. uses to be

9. —You like to drink coffee, don’t you?

—Yes. But I’m ______ drinking tea, too.

A. able to B. similar to

C. used to D. ready to

10.My uncle ____ go to work on foot, but now he____to work by bike.

A. used to ; is used to go B. is used to ; used to go

C. used to ; is used to going D. is used to ; used to going


11. It is believed that life in the twenty-­first century is much easier than ________ .

A. that used to be B. it is used to

C. it was used to D. it used to be

12. I _________ in the countryside, but these days I________ in the city.

A. used to live; am used to live

B. was used to living; used to live

C. was used to live; used to live

D. used to live; am used to living

13.Tom_______ get up late in the past, but now he_______ getting up early.

A. be used to; be used to be B. is used to; used to

C. used to be; used to D. used to; is used to

14.The student found that all her homework was_____ than she_____ in her old school.

A. less heavy, used to get

B. less heavier, was used to getting

C. less heavier, used to get

D. less heavy, was used to getting

15.To our great surprise, Bill is no longer the naughty boy _________.

A. what he used to be B. that he used to be

C. what he was used to D. who he was used to

used to do,be used to do,be used to doing 辨析刻意练习习题




上一篇 2023年2月22日 下午4:19
下一篇 2023年2月22日 下午4:24


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